Find your edge with the best stock analyzer

All in one app: statistics, financials, filings, historical data, & more.

Market Insights Made Simple

Unlock Thousands of Tickers, Extensive Database and Decades of Historical Insights

US markets

Search among + 6000 tickers of the main US markets


Our database stores + 500k gaps to analyze and it grows every day

Historical data

We cover a time frame of + 20 years of historical data


We use the most powerful charts available

We use charts designed by TradingView. The most familiar and powerful trading charts.

Drawing tools, indicators, action markers, & more.

Check the gaps directly in the chart with our custom studies.

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Get comprehensive financial insights

Get access to a comprehensive financial analysis featuring valuation metrics, technical metrics and relevant ratios.

Customize the view to display only the most valuable metrics aligned with your specific strategies.

Directly access SEC filings from EDGAR.

financial data overview

We offer the most complete gap analysis

Get a comprehensive analysis for every gap you want to study.

Get access to tons of data for each gap in a user friendly design, including premarket and intraday stats.

gap statistics overview
Gap List

Study each gap individually

Gap list

Explore our comprehensive gap list showcasing all available gaps in an easily accessible table format.

Filter gaps

Refine your search to find the perfect gaps that align with your specific requirements.

Fully customizable

Prioritize and highlight the essential information by taking control and customizing the displayed data.

Tons of data

Unlock a wealth of valuable data and metrics for each gap, empowering you to make informed decisions.

list of gaps

Level Up Your Trading!

Improve your trading analysis with the most powerful market data analysis app that breaks down barriers.

Try it now!

Gain valuable intraday & premarket insights

Intraday price change chart

Intraday insights

Stay updated with comprehensive insights into stock market movements during the trading day.

Intraday Price Change

We calculate and display the average price movement for stocks during the trading day, providing valuable insights.

Premarket insights

Gain an edge in the market by accessing valuable premarket metrics. Anticipate potential opportunities.

Volume Distribution Analysis

Get a comprehensive overview of volume patterns throughout the trading day, helping you identify trends.

Check the latest articles published on our blog

Finding Edge With Flash Research

Finding Edge With Flash Research

Flash Research is a powerful database app that enables us to have a better understanding of the stocks we trade. We can analyze lots of different parameters and find edge in areas that we could not before. Unlike in the past, all in one software.

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An Introduction To The Most Comprehensive Stock Analysis Tool

An Introduction To The Most Comprehensive Stock Analysis Tool

Welcome to Flash Research, your ultimate destination for accurate and insightful stock analysis. Our innovative web app is designed to provide users with a comprehensive suite of tools. With Flash Research, you can access vital information and leverage advanced stock analytics.

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